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Who are your real enemies ? Why are they your real enemies?

Join our Self Deliverance Training to learn to deliver yourself through the blood of Jesus Christ, Father and Holy Spirit

In the Old Testament book of Micah 7:6b, we read:

“… a man’s enemies are the men of his own house.”

Our Lord Jesus confirmed this in Matt.10:36 when HE said:

“A man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”

He is talking here about unseen spiritual powers that operate along

ancestral lines in each family, stealing people’s blessings, passing down

incurable diseases, failure, divorce and poverty through evil means from

one generation to another.

How Come your own family members are your foes?

Well let take this as assignment

Why dont you ask Holy Spirit to reveal the secret of how your family members are your own enemies.

Holy Spirit discerner of thoughts reveal to me secret of my family that is coming against me in jesus name.

We have whatsapp group only for those who are finishing our training of Self Deliverance , Sis Angelina Peters will personally be praying 30 mins 1130 pm- 12 00am as per the schedule published.

Note: No personal messages on whatsapp , email only on

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